Sunday, April 4, 2010

hello, number three

I thought that only two of the three sunflower seeds that I had planted were going to germinate. Reminds me of the lyrics of the song sung by Meatloaf that says that “two out of three ain’t bad.” But yesterday, there comes seed number three sprouting up through the soil.

I noticed that sunflowers number 1 and number 2 still had the shells of the sunflower seeds still attached to them. I know that I will have to thin them out but I will wait until they have gotten just a little bigger and a little stronger.

Tomorrow morning is the shuttle launch. I hope that the fog doesn't "scrub" the launch. This morning the fog was really heavy. I don't have to set my alarm clock, the cat will wake me up around 5:30 am as she does every morning to go outside. For fanciers of fresh perked coffee, before going to bed tonight put the water in the coffee pot and the coffee grinds in the basket so that all that needs to be done is to plug in the percolator in the morning. I am lucky because I drink instant coffee. By the way Walgreens had Maxwell House instant coffee on sale and we got two extra jars of it today, so I am set on coffee for a while. I prefer instant coffee over perked. I just heat a cup of water in the microwave and a spoonful of instant of coffee and I am ready to go. Everyone enjoy the launch and have a fun day. Lew

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