Friday, July 9, 2010

Baltimore Oriole

This is Mary's latest painting called Baltimore Oriole. It is very colorful. She works very hard on her paintings and puts in many hours on them. She has started once again on a reverse-glass painting which is a style of painting that is extremely difficult to do.

Supper was flounder which is a very ,mild fish. We also had macaroni salad made with Rotini which is a spiral shaped pasta. She used the Rotini that has spirals in three different colors. It is served cold and so is a good side dish on these hot and steamy summer days.

Today while working outside and listening to my MP3 player. One of the selections was Desiderata with nice calm peaceful background music. I really like the words of Desiderata and I use to have it hanging up in my study in Miami. They are good words to live by. They had a very popular planetarium show in the planetarium at the science museum in Miami. The name of it was Child of the Universe and ended with the music and a reading of the words of Desiderata. It was awe inspiring and made for a great finale to the planetarium show.

This domed shaped building is the planetarium which I visited very frequently to see the planetarium shows. I use to do volunteer work at the museum by helping to man the telescopes on the roof of the science museum giving demonstrations to visitors to the science museum. I did it both during daylight hours (sun viewing) and during the night when we usually had the telescope on the planets. By the way we had hydrogen-alpha filters for viewing the sun plus a mask over the end of the telescope to restrict the amount of light entering the telescope. There were usually several of us from the astronomy club doing this. I enjoyed it. Have a pleasant day. Lew

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