Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Devils Tower

I have started a new hobby of collecting commemorative stamps.    I recently acquired a stamp of the Devil's Tower which is located in Wyoming.   The stamp was issued September 24, 1956 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Devils Tower being designated a national monument.
I acquired the stamp because it reminded me of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind starring Richard Dreyfuss.
Seeing Richard Dreyfuss trying to sculpt the Devils Tower out of his mashed potatoes was a classic scene.
And yes, I tried to do the same thing with some mashed potatoes once just to emulate Richard Dreyfuss.   Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a classic sci-fi movie and I have seen it a number of times.    I don't have the lines memorized yet but I am probably close.   And so I just couldn't pass up a stamp that reminded me of the movie with a depiction of the Devils Tower.
I recommend that you check the movie out of the library and watch it one more time.   In fact, I think that I will take my own advice and watch it one more time.   
Have a good day and enjoy some sci-fi movies.    Lew

1 comment:

seaside said...

The last movie I saw with my friend Dee was "The Amazing Spiderman." This new version does not have Toby McQuire as Spiderman. It has some unknown British actor with major talent playing bit parts. I am talking Martin Sheen and Sally Fields. The action was so overwheming to follow. It was like playing a video game and following each piece to see where they went. I yearn for the orginal movies like "Close Encounters","Jaws","Star Wars" and even "Aliens." I am tired of the remakes movies which don't measure up to the original.