Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mary's chair

This is Mary's computer desk where she surfs the internet and checks her emails.   This chair use to be hers but it looks like it has now been claimed by Tammy.   I see something suspicious hanging down from the chair seat.   Do you see it?
Yep, it is Tammy the cat taking a little nap on Mary's chair.   She is so tired that she can hardly hold her eyes open.   A sweet kitty who is treated like a princess.  
            This week Mary and I went to see the new version of the movie The Thing.   This is the third version that I have seen.    In each subsequent version the special effects are better.   But this latest version I would classify as a horror movie as opposed to sci-fi.
            Who likes going to Disneyworld?   I do, I do!   The weather here in Orlando is finally turning cooler and that means Mary and I will be visiting Disneyworld very soon with our annual passes which is a terrific buy.   Disney is such a fun place to visit and I never seem to tire of it.   Do you have any special memories of Disneyworld or Disneyland?   Please post them in the comments section.   Time to go.   As they say at Disney, "Have a magical day".    Lew     

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