The mother has been named
Harriet by the group of Eagle watchers and the father is called M15. There are two chicks E15 and E16. Their diet is usually fish along with some
animals like squirrels, rabbits, and possum.
Now here is the humorous part, one of the parents captured a
squirrel. Or what they thought was a
squirrel. Turns out it was a plush toy
Looks real doesn't it.
I wasn't 100% sure until I
saw it in a later picture. I can see
the stitching on the foot for the toes.
You can see a fish at the top of the picture. They seem to eat mostly fish. The white fluff in the nest is stuffing from the stuffed squirrel. I guess that it really fooled the eagle.
Try visiting the site. It is a lot of fun. Lew