Friday, December 25, 2020

The Safe

 I have become very nostalgic.   Getting something from the past brings back a flood of pleasant memories.   My daughter sent me an antique cast-iron toy safe for Christmas that is exactly the same as the one that I use to have.

There is a coin slot in the top.

There was a tag on the dial with the combination.   Really.

OMG!   Now you know the combination.   You are sworn to secrecy to never reveal the combination.   LOL!   I dialed the combination, opened the safe and "lo and behold" there was an Amazon gift card.   I was very pleasantly surprised.

I had gotten one of these back in the 60's when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona.   It sat up on the wall.   In this picture you can just barely see it.  

I am on the couch in the right side of the picture and a friend named Chuck is on the left.   I was going to Arizona State University and the weekends were spent on the couch studying with my textbooks and papers spread on the coffee table.    One day a coworker and friend of mine Jim was sitting right where Chuck was sitting in the picture.   Suddenly for some unknown reason the safe fell off of the display frame (poltergeists?  LOL) and landed right on top of Jim's head.   Jim yelled "Ow" because naturally it hurt.   There was no bleeding or anything like that.   Jim was okay.   I had that safe for many, many years and it always reminded me of Jim.   The falling safe had fixed that moment in time for me.   And now when I see this safe, once again I am reminded of Jim, a really super fine individual.  I now have it on a lower shelf so I am safe.

Here is hoping that everyone got lots of overpriced gifts for the Holidays.    Lew


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