Not only was the parking lot filled but they were packed inside also. We had to wait for about a half hour to get called.
We were having a good time chatting while we waited. With a little more time I am sure that we would have come up with solutions to all of the world's problems. The chatting made the time go faster.
It was hot sitting outside on a bench in the sun so we decided to go inside where it was very crowded. We were lucky in that we were able to get a seat for
We ate until we couldn't eat another bite. The rolls are baked fresh and I watched the baker prepping the dough for baking while we waited. The butter that they served with the hot rolls had a cinnamon seasoning in it. It was very good. They had a pail of roasted salted peanuts in the shell on the table and of course as is the custom in this restaurant we got to throw the peanut shells on the floor. It was difficult for us to throw the peanut shells on the floor because that is not how we were raised. They had a second pail on the table that was empty which we put our peanut shells into. We had a good time and left stuffed with some of the food in a styro-foam take-out container. I hope that everyone else had as good of a time as we did. Happy Mothers Day! Lew
Lew, I had a very nice Mother's Day. All remembered me on Mother's Day. Now I need to diet for a while as I will probably gain a couple of pounds. Lunching at Captain Dee's and Dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Thanks to Lew and my 3 grown children for a very nice Mother's Day.