Mary is pointing to the sign which is Dallas Blvd. How about that? Having a street named after me. This was located in a new upscale housing area which is located south of Bithlo. It is a very upscale housing development with absolutely huge homes. They must be $ 1,000,000 and up. Really. That is how big these homes are. How ironic that on the north side of Colonial Drive you have Bithlo which is as I understand mainly a working class neighborhood. Then on the south side of Colonial Drive you have a very upscale neighborhood. We were there to look at some property that one of Mary’s daughters and her husband has bought in the upscale housing development. It is certainly out in the country. But then what is country today is metropolis tomorrow. It is early morning and the sky was initially gray but is now turning to its pretty blue. Where I sit typing on my laptop I face east and can see out the window as the horizon changes its colors as the sun approaches. It is a beautiful sight as the reds are turning to pinks. It is the start of another day and another example of the old saying “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”. It is a saying that I really like because it is full of optimism. It is as if we get a second chance with each new day. By the way, the sky is absolutely clear and not a cloud is in sight. And I know what that cloudless sky means, it is going to be a hot one today. But then what else would you expect living in Florida in the summer. Today is Saturday and that means “big breakfast day”. Sort of like the Grand Slam at Denny’s. Mary is going to make fried eggs with some broiled slices of spam light on the side. I don’t care for regular spam because the flavor is just so strong, but the spam light is pretty good. We will have a bagel to go along with breakfast. After breakfast we are going to a rummage sale at a community center a couple of blocks away. The rummage sale is being held by a group known as the West Orange Seniors. They put on all kinds of activities for seniors like field trips, pot-luck lunches, movies, and yes even bingo and cards. Each day they do something different and about 70 people usually come to each days activities. Membership is free and the hold all of their meetings in the Thomas Ison community center two blocks away which is very convenient for us. It is time to go. Mary’s son gave her a clock with a pendulum which chimes out the Westminster chimes tune each hour and a gong for each hour. I heard 7 gongs so it must be 7:00 am. Have a terrific day. Lew
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