Here is a close-up view and you can definitely see her now. The bright spot on her head is a fancy bejeweled barrette in her hair. Here is a lighter version of the previous picture in case that was too dark.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
artist at work
Here is a close-up view and you can definitely see her now. The bright spot on her head is a fancy bejeweled barrette in her hair. Here is a lighter version of the previous picture in case that was too dark.
Monday, June 29, 2009
jasmine bush
Just look at how much damage that the winter freeze did to the jasmine bushes. We weren’t sure how much the two bushes would recover from the winter freeze and so we waited to see how far up the stems the new green leaves would sprout from. This seems to be about the maximum regrowth of the frozen limbs so we decided to trim off the dead wood. Just look at how much dead wood there is, especially on the right hand side of the bush.
So we completed trimming the first bush and it came out pretty well. But it was very hot and we decided not to go on to the second bush the same day, but rather save it for another day.
You can see the difference in the two bushes. They definitely look better trimmed. But wait a minute. This is Florida. We aren’t suppose to get “freezing” weather in Florida. That is why we northerners left the north to come south to the land of sunshine, palm trees, surf, and sun. Have a pleasant day. Lew
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Rivership Romance
Saturday, June 27, 2009
This lucky kitty has gone from this to this.
To this.

Mary definitely has her arms full with the juvenile cat that the kitten has grown into. It seems hard to imagine that such a tiny kitten could grow into such a large cat. The kitten trusts the both of us totally, which can be bad because when I walk down the hallway, she won’t move and I have to step over her. The cat won’t budge so much as an inch. I stepped on her tail once a long time ago but that didn’t change her self-assured behavior pattern. In the background of the 2nd picture is a cement birdbath which the birds use because we always keep it filled with plenty of water. There is also a cement angel statue in the birdbath as well. Sort of reminds of the statue of St. Francis of Assissi who I believe is the patron saint of animals. I like the classical statue of him with the birds and animals around him. He is undoubtedly my favorite saint. Under the lattice work is the well pump. Plenty of water which is run through a water softener to remove the minerals. Just have yourself a fabulous day. Lew
Friday, June 26, 2009
suicidal tree
At this stage of trimming there was a “V” cut into the top of the tree. But since then I have smoothed the top to make it all even. There are so many things that don’t want to grow here but this southern dogwood tree just seems to be thriving. I am not sure but didn’t the wood for Christ’s cross come from the dogwood tree. That would sort of make this tree a bit of living history in a way. Stay cool one and all. Lew
Thursday, June 25, 2009
rivership romance

This saturday we are going on a boat cruise up the St. Johns river. The ship sails out of Sanford. It a dinner cruise and they have really fancy gourmet type meals. We have been on it before and it is a lot of fun plus very relaxing also. Mary's daughter Rhonda and her husband Guy are going also. I think that a good time will be had by all. The ship leaves at 11:00 and gets back at 2:00 pm. They have a special, buy one ticket at the regular price and get the second ticket at half price. The price came to $ 65 for Mary and I, which is a really good price considering that we are getting a gourmet meal for two people in addition to a nice cruise. Looking forward to a fine time. Lew
little red rooster
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Here she seems to be using an ant hill as a pillow to rest her chin on. It doesn’t seem too smart to use an ant mound as a pillow. She even has her eyes shut as if she were taking a nap. The strange thing is that the ants don’t seem to be bothering her at all. Isn’t that something. I know that the ants dislike me because they have bitten me many, many times over the years. But these ants seem to like her or at the very least tolerate her leaning on their ant hill. One day in downtown Miami I was returning from lunch and cutting through the parking lot of the City of Miami police headquarters. Up rode a mounted policeman on his horse. He stopped near a tree, got off, and tied the reins of the horse to the tree. It was shady and sandy under the tree. The policeman went into the building and within a minute or two the horse went crazy, bucking, kicking, and thrashing around all over the place. The horse was acting like a rodeo bronco horse. A bystander ran into the police building and told him what was happening. The officer came out and got his horse and led it away. He was glaring at the people. I can only guess that he must have thought that someone may have done something to his horse. After he left I walked over to the tree and there on the ground was an ant colony. Without realizing it he had tied his horse on top of an ant colony. It was a small ant colony but evidently there were enough ants to drive the horse crazy. So why didn’t they drive Tammy the cat crazy? I have no idea. It will probably remain a mystery. Lew
p.s., Today is free Wednesday at Arbys and the free giveaway is a roast beef sandwich and Mary and I will each get a free roast beef sandwich. Plus we will buy a couple of sodas and split a large french fry. Their french fries are the curly type. I like them because they hold a lot of ketchup. You know me and my love of ketchup. The more, the better.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
star trek glasses
The opposite side of the glasses each had a different character from the movie on it.
The movie was a lot better than I had expected it to be. I enjoyed the movie and the popcorn too, after all a movie at the movie theater just isn’t a movie without a bag of popcorn on my lap and a cup of soda resting in the hole in the armrest of the chair. I wish that I could make the popcorn made at home taste like the popcorn at the movie theaters. Have a fun-filled day. Live long and prosper. Lew
Monday, June 22, 2009
little miss prissy
Sunday, June 21, 2009
spanish moss
It is just a baby Spanish moss beginning its life. I guess that life just keeps springing anew everywhere I look. Whether it be a baby being born in the hospital or a Spanish moss being born on the side of a tree.
The baby Spanish moss seems to have found its niche in life on the side of the tree. It looks as though it is sitting in a recess in the bark. What luck for the moss that it landed here in the bark after being blown here by the wind. It is always nice to see life starting anew. In a sense, it gives hope for the world. These pictures were taken with my new camera.
Perhaps someday the small baby Spanish moss will grow into some magnificent garlands hanging down majestically from the limbs. This is my neighbors tree and I always like looking at the moss. It isn’t often that you see a tree as laden as this one with Spanish moss. It reminds me of the plantation Tara from the movie Gone With the Wind. I could almost envision Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler walking beneath a tree such as this one. When my parents would travel from New York to Florida for vacation, my parents would always stop for the night just across the Georgia state line in some small mom-and-pop motel. Invariably there would always be lots of southern oak trees dripping with Spanish moss at the motel. I was always fascinated by the Spanish moss because we didn’t have anything like that in New York. But now I get to see it on a daily basis. Spanish moss is one of the perks of living in Florida. The other perk is living next to the ocean and getting to see the waves each day. I don’t have that perk and Seaside does. They say that “envy is the green eyed monster”. I am not quite sure what that means but I am envious of Seaside for being able to visit the beach each day. Enjoy the day as best you can even though I know that it is hot. Summer is here. Lew
p.s., Could you pass me the ice tea please.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
swan boats

Do you think that the woman on the dock is trying to feed one of the swan boats thinking that it is just a large swan?

I can’t decide. What do you think? Lew
Friday, June 19, 2009
tippy toes
There is a hedge that runs along the front porch in a planter wall. This one of Tammy’s favorite places to be. She has the shade from the hedge, the cool earth to lie on, and a secluded spot to watch the goings-on of the neighborhood. Here she seems to be curious about something in the hedge and is up on her tippy toes to get in as far as she can without really going all the way in. I got the picture because I really don’t remember seeing her or any other cat get on their tippy toes before. I guess that something in the hedge really has her curiosity.
A few moments later she came back down flat-footed.

I never did discover what had her attention but exploring is what she seems to do most of the day. And if there is an empty cardboard box in the house. then Tammy, the curious cat, just has to see what is inside of it. Have an inquisitive day and read the latest issue of the Enquirer tabloid which is for enquiring minds. Lew
Thursday, June 18, 2009
mafia cat
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
orange tree
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bashful Flowers
Our pretty blue wildflowers are open in all their glory in the morning. Such an intense blue color that they have.
The flowers are really popular with the bees. On this particular bunch there were several bees drinking up the nectar and gathering the pollen. In the picture below you can see a bee on a flower at the very bottom of the picture.
There are several more bees in the picture but they are a little bit harder to see. Fortunately for me they weren’t of the killer bee variety. They looked like just plain old-fashioned honeybees. But in the early afternoon when the bright sun is high in the cloudless sky making me a believer in global warming, the flowers close up (see picture below). I guess that they don’t like the heat either.
It’s amazing to me that plants have the power of movement. They know which way they want to move. For example if they want to close the flower, they do. When they want to move the petals to open the flower they can do that too. Sort of gives some credibility to the sci-fi classic Day of the Triffids. I have both read the book and seen the movie. Some of the old science fiction I really like. But these flowers keep opening and closing on a daily basis like most flowers. By the way, I now have four marigolds growing in my little cluster living in the tree stump. They are sharing the tree stump with some carpenter ants who are chewing up the stump which will eventually make the stump easier to get rid of. The tree was an old southern oak and the wood was so hard that when I took a chain saw to the top of the stump, I couldn’t cut more than about ¼ of an inch deep and it dulled my chain to where it would not cut any further. Plus the chain saw started to heat up from my efforts to cut into the oak stump. I gave up and now these carpenter ants are doing the job. Isn’t it amazing that the smallest of God’s creatures, the ant, can do what a big human with a mean powerful chain saw wasn’t able to do. I must admit that it is a little humbling. Have a good evening and don’t forget to watch the shuttle launch early tomorrow morning. I was going to say “bright and early” but the “bright” part wouldn’t apply at 5:40 am when it is still dark out. Lew
An exercise in pronunciation; unnecessary, unkempt, unimaginable. Do you see the pronunciation of the “un” portion of the words? My dad was manager of a Grand Union grocery store and the kids would tease me when I was young. They would pronounce the “un” like above so that union would sound like onion. They would take great pleasure in teasing me by saying that my dad was the manager of the Grand “Onion”. They did this frequently for a while and it would make me angry and although I don’t remember getting into a fight over it, I probably chased a few of them. Kids love to tease and we are all on the receiving end at one time or another. The picture above is of onions that have sprouted so Mary is going to plant them outside in the ground to see if they will grow. Hopefully it will result in a grand “onion”. I just couldn’t resist the pun. Mary remains very active in her gardening here at the house and has a lot more luck at it than I do. Instead of my the having the touch of Midas I seem to be more like the kiss of death with plants. The only thing that I seem to have luck with is the marigolds thanks to Villager. When they look dried up and completely dead, I remember her advice about watering them and they come back to life, turn green, and sprout flowers. I have started watering the marigolds by hand a few days ago because they were all dried up and they have already produced several flowers. When I am at Wal-Mart and in their garden department, I always taken time to smell the marigolds. Surprisingly the different colors have different degrees of intensity of scent. The orange ones seem to have the strongest scent. I would have thought that they would have all been the same. Is it true that marigolds are in a class of plants that is suppose to repel mosquitoes? Have a “grand” day. Lew
Monday, June 15, 2009

I have finally seen a squirrel using the squirrel feeder and he is having quite a feast. I am giving him (or maybe her) the wild bird seed that was meant for the bird feeder and the cardinals. The squirrel just chows down on it. Plus this way he doesn’t have to come all the way down to the ground to eat where all kinds of dangers lurk.

He can now eat in the tree in relative safety. But what about water? How can he get a drink of water?

Not to fear, I have wedged a small can with water in it in the tree. I see the water disappearing along with the seeds and so the squirrel is drinking the water also. This good because peanuts make me thirsty also. Lew
Sunday, June 14, 2009
time warp
Time warp. I warped ahead in time by one week and had a wonderful father’s day celebration. Then I warped back in time to the present. I didn’t check the calendar to verify when father’s day was and was off by one week-end. I felt foolish at the simple mistake but it worked out for the best. No lines at the Olive Garden. We went there for lunch today and when we walked in they said that there would only be a five minute wait. I am sure that next week-end there will be a much longer wait and larger crowds. We had a fabulous lunch. I had eggplant parmesan and Mary had shrimp and scallops with noodles alfredo. We had a huge bowl of salad which was really good and two orders of garlic bread sticks. We each had half of our lunch left over and brought it home for supper tonight. I think that I may celebrate holidays one week early from now on and avoid the crowds.
Father's Day
Last night she baked a lemon cake for me with white frosting and on top of the frosting she sprinkled some sugary sprinkles which are called funfetti. I like lemon cake because the lightness of the lemon offsets some of the sweetness.
This morning Mary is going to make pancakes with strawberries. For lunch she is taking me to the Olive Garden for some Italian food. Their salads with the house dressing and warm garlic bread sticks is a meal in itself. And they always bring such a large bowl of salad. They call it the “bottomless bowl” because they will keep refilling it as often as you like. They do the same thing with the warm garlic breadsticks, they keep refilling your bread basket. It has been a long time since I have been to the Olive Garden. The Olive Garden will definitely be a step up from Cicci’s. I like their eggplant parmesan and their lasagna also. Gotta go. It will be time for breakfast pretty soon. Lew
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dallas Boulevard

Friday, June 12, 2009
solar dryer
This is the neighbor’s solar clothes dryer. In the last sew months it has become so completely overgrown by grape vines that it has virtually disappeared. If you can’t spot it in the picture, the yellow arrows point to the cross-tees at either end and the curved yellow is where the sagging clotheslines are.

Still hard to believe that there is a solar clothes dryer in there. If you were standing facing it as the camera is and then turned to your left you would se the very large garage in the backyard. Here is a picture of the garage below.
Some day this too will probably disappear under the grapevines. Almost like something out of a science fiction movie. Perhaps we should call it Attack of the Killer Grape Vines. Sound far fetched? Have you ever heard of or seen the movie Attack of the Killer Tomatoes about tomato plants attacking people. Now that is stranger than Attack of the Killer Grapevines. How about the television series about what would happen if man were to disappear. In the movie they had the plants growing all over the buildings much like my neighbors garage. It will be a nightmarish job for him to clear all of these vines away if he ever decides to do it. Have a nice day and keep your plants trimmed back. Lew
Thursday, June 11, 2009
lazy days