Monday, May 30, 2011
name that kitten
how to beat the heat
It's summer and it is hot and the kittens are trying to cool off on the cool cement. The black kitten is really relaxed and stretched out to full body length. What a life they have, they don't have to worry about paying the bills or mowing the grass. All they have to do all day is eat, sleep when it is hot, and play when it is cool. Reminds me of my own childhood in a way. I didn't work as a child, dad worked. I didn't lay down in the snow to put the chains on the car tires, my dad did that. All I did was to have fun and play. Well, actually, I did have to mow the grass. Not that bad you say? It was the old-fashioned manual push-mower kind.
The yard was cut by inches at a time. But other than that, life as a child was all fun and games, just like the kittens.
Try to stay cool wherever you may be and have a nice cool drink. Lew
Sunday, May 29, 2011
butterfly or moth?
While walking outside the house I noticed a small moth perched quietly on the side of the house with her wings fanned out.
The pattern on the wings caught my eye. When I looked at it closer, I was delightfully surprised at the colorations in the wings and body.
And here I thought that only butterflies had beautiful colorations. Beauty is everywhere. All around us. All that we have to do is take the time to smell the flowers and look closely at all of natures tiny critters. Do you know how to tell when you are looking at a butterfly and when you are looking at a moth if it isn't obvious? Butterflies fly during the daytime and moths fly at night. Have an adventure right in your very own backyard. Lew
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Atlas V