Yes, it has been fun. But this will be my last blog for a while. I am taking a hiatus from blogging for an indefinite time. I always liked this painting done by
Friday, November 26, 2010
It was fun
Yes, it has been fun. But this will be my last blog for a while. I am taking a hiatus from blogging for an indefinite time. I always liked this painting done by
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Turkey Day
Yes, it's turkey day and so the blog is about a nice Thanksgiving meal that
Did you happen to notice my glass? It is a Star Trek souvenir glass. See the starship
But now for a serious question. So many cans can now only be opened with a can opener from one end, which is fine by me. But once the end is removed with a can opener then the label on the can is upside down. Just look at the can of cranberry sauce.
The other end of the can can't be opened with a can opener. If it could, I would have opened the other end so that the can would be sitting with the label right side up. Does anyone have an explanation for this? Has anyone else had this same problem?
The pie was very flavorful with the pumpkin pie spice. After cutting a piece of the pie we put some whip cream on it before eating it.
And let's not forget our chihuahua Duke.
He is a house dog and stays in the house most of the time. He must have been smelling that turkey baking for hours. I can just imagine how hungry it must have made him.
All-in-all it was a great Thanksgiving with lots of turkey left over.
I hope that everyone has as nice of a Thanksgiving as I did and keep those turkey sandwiches coming. What are we having for supper tonight?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Swan

This is the most recent painting that
Today is Tuesday and that means movie day.
The movie was a mystery/drama with lots and lots of action. The movie was a lot better than I had hoped for. Russell Crowe gave a nice performance. Before the movie we went to Cici's pizza buffet for lunch.
Anyone who lives in
But it was dark outside, which was impressive to see the flame of the rocket engines in the dark of night. But unfortunately that meant that I couldn't get any good pictures of it. But watching the launch on television was quite spectacular.
Have a pleasant day and get a pizza for lunch tomorrow. Lew
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tree of Life
This is
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Delta V

A Delta V Heavy rocket is scheduled to lift off around 5:00 pm today. As you can see in the picture it actually looks like three rockets connected together. I plan on watching the pre-launch commentary on the news station starting about 30 minutes before the scheduled launch. This should build the excitement and enthusiasm of the launch.

I will watch the rocket lift off from it's launch pad on television and then run outside to see it in the sky. Hopefully
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Prisoner of Zenda

The Prisoner of Zenda. I have heard of the book but I am embarrassed to say that I have never read it.
I like listening to recordings of the old time radio shows. I agree with Orson Welles when he said that the old time radio shows were the theater of the mind. I decided to listen to a radio adaptation of The Prisoner of Zenda.

As the radio dramatization of the show progressed I became completely lost as to the story line sequence. I really didn't know what was going on so I started to listen to it from the beginning once again. I was still lost. What was I to do? Just give up entirely? I needed something to set the plot and characters in my mind so that I could enjoy the story. Then I thought of it. The Classics Illustrated comic books.

I checked to see if I had a copy of The Prisoner of Zenda in the Classics Illustrated comic books and I did. And what’s more there is a list of the characters on the very first page.
I started reading the comic book version of The Prisoner of Zenda, and what a blessing it was. Everything in the story is falling into place quite nicely. When I finish the comic I will go back and listen to the radio dramatization once again. The Classics Illustrated comics were of a great help when I was in high school and now they are coming to my rescue once again. Have a great day and read a comic of whatever kind you want. Of Uncle Scrooge, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge was my favorite. And the superheroes? Plastic Man was my favorite superhero. Comic books were a great part of my life. I enjoyed them as a child. Don’t forget your childhood and the fun times that you had. Take care. Lew
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Meteorite Men

I have started watching a new show on television that has really captured my attention. The show is called Meteorite Men.

The show follows two men as they search for meteorites with a metal detector. They use a metal detector similar to mine.

It is a treasure hunt for space rocks. I have used my metal detector on the beach, in parks, and even ghost towns looking for lost treasure. I always had that thrill that any moment my detector will turn up some valuables.

Sometimes they use a simple magnet to find the iron meteorites which is what I used once to find several small meteorites. Just like in the show, the magnet works really good when you have located a small area with your metal detector of where a meteorite may be. But their trials and tribulations and eventual discoveries appeals to the adventurous spirit in me. It is a great show and I really like it. Have a good day. Lew
the Carpenters

We saw the movie at a multi-plex at the mall. Each time we go to the mall I keep seeing this reserved parking space sign.
Now, I am use to seeing the reserved parking spaces for the police and the fire department, even the Employee of the Month reserved parking space. But this space was reserved for the Carpenter family. I was puzzled. Did they own the shopping center? I noticed on the sign that the reserving of the space had expired in 2008, but still I don’t park there. I don’t want to take a chance on getting towed because that is a pretty expensive proposition.
Besides, there was already a car parked there. Could it be one of the Carpenters? The parking space is almost always empty.

After the movie as we were walking through the parking lot to our car, I saw a mall security vehicle. I went over to the security vehicle and talked to the security guard about the sign. They told me that the reservation had expired and that anybody could park there. They said that they thought that originally the people had paid to have a reserved parking space. So rest assured that from now on I will check out this expired reserved parking space and park up nice and close to the mall entrance. Who knows, maybe people will think that I am a member of the Carpenter family. Have a nice day. Lew (a.k.a. Carpenter).
Monday, November 15, 2010
cough drops
There is a camphor tree by the back door of the house. The camphor tree is interesting because of its scent. Break a twig or crush a leaf and it smells like a cough drop. I guess that this must be where the camphor flavoring for cough drops comes from. It is currently bearing fruit which are falling on the ground. Here are some of the berries.
You can see the green stem that attaches the berry to the tree. When the berries fall off the tree, the place of attachment leaves a light colored scar just like acorns. I tried squashing one of the berries to see what was inside.
There was a hard seed inside which came out easily. The fruit of the berry seems to be pretty fleshy and moist.
I haven't see any birds eating the berries yet. I smelled of the squashed berry and it smelled like.........yeah, you guessed it, it smelled like a cough drop. Probably good for birds with a sore throat but no wonder the birds haven't been eating the berries. I just thought that this camphor tree was rather unique in the world of trees with its cough drop smell. Have a pleasant day. Lew
Sunday, November 14, 2010
This is Tommy, the latest addition to our menagerie of animals. He is a "tom" and thus the name Tommy. I thought that he lived next door because I would see him in the neighbors backyard. He wasn't starving but he always seemed to be hungry. Evidently he seems to prefer the food that we put out for the other cats instead of what he gets elsewhere.
He is a short hair whereas Tammy and Betty are long hair. Do you see any similarities between Tommy and Tammy?
Or similarities to Betty?
I know, they are all black and white. And cute to look at. They all seem to have their own particular personalities. Have a nice day and like Tommy, keep smiling. Lew
Saturday, November 13, 2010
where's the turkey?

This is our freezer and somehow
Can you see it now? No? Alright, one more picture to help you spot it. You can see just a portion of the turkey circled in red.
It was really a challenge for me to spot it but
This is the kind that has to be baked and then we can have some nice warm pumpkin pie after feasting on turkey. This picture of a slice of the pie makes me hungry for a slice.
Why is the pie sitting on ice cube trays when there is an ice maker? Sometimes the ice maker is a little slow or perhaps I am using the ice cubes faster than the ice maker can make them. So the ice cube trays are a back-up supply of ice. They are rarely used but nice to have “just in case”, especially in the summer time.
In closing, go out and do your Thanksgiving shopping early (just like the Christmas shopping). Now don’t wait until you get “a round tuit”. A gold star for
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I went outside early in the morning before the sun came up to get some pictures of the moon when I noticed some movement on the roof of
I don't know why she is doing this because she has a water bowl in the garage, a water bowl beside the well, and a bird bath full of water.
She even prefers the dry hard meal cat food to canned cat food. I can't figure it out. But as the expression goes, "whatever makes her happy".
Today is Tuesday and we usually go to the movies on Tuesday. But today there isn't anything playing that we care to see so we are going to Denny's for lunch instead as our treat. The side salad at Denny's is so large that it is like a dinner salad. I always get it as one of my two sides. It sure beats getting green beans or cooked okra as a side. My other side is usually a starch like mashed potatoes (with extra gravy on them) or french fries drowning in ketchup.
The kitten may be a little bit too old to try and tame. It is such a cute kitten until you try to touch it. Look but don't touch as they say. We like this kitten because she looks so much like our cat Tammy. In fact so similar that when the kitten becomes an adult we may have difficulty telling the difference between the two. Have a nice day today and do something special that is also fun to make it a truly fun day. Lew
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Dream Car
They also had the usual arts and crafts type of fail vendors. And of course the usual carnival rides. We got to sit and listen to a country music band that was playing on a large stage with huge speakers. The speakers really boomed out the sound. The band was actually quite good.
We walked down by Starke lake and looked at the fountain. The fountain was nice. This is
This is just an inlet for boats on the lake. The main body of the lake is off to the right of the picture and is actually quite large. Have a nice weekend. Lew
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Ocoee Founders Day

On Saturday,
There are literally too many of them to count. It is just street block after street block of these cars. My camera will get a good workout on photographing my favorites.

The weather is suppose to be nice and cool which will make the walking very pleasant.

It is perfect timing for the festival with respect to the temperature.
But the cool weather won't last long. By the middle of next week it will be back to 80 degrees. But what the heck, it's