Imagination. What a wonderful thing to let the mind run free. I was taking a picture of the neighbors house across the street because of the colored lights. I also liked the pretty deep blue sky.

When I viewed the pictures on the computer, the house looked like a giant pumpkin face with the windows as the eyes, the door as the nose and the lights along the bottom as the mouth. What do you think? Has my imagination run amuck?
This morning (Sunday) Mary made waffles with a dollop of whip cream in the center and a maraschino cherry with the stem still attached on top of the whip cream. Very pretty and good too.
We are both waiting for December 1 to start our Christmas shopping. It will be nice because we will be able to go to the stores on week-days and avoid the week-end crowds. What do I want for Christmas? Anything “overpriced” as Miss Piggy of the Muppets would say. Actually Mary and I are preparing want lists for presents for each other so that we won’t have to spend the day after Christmas standing in the return line at the stores. Have fun doing your Christmas shopping, listening to the background Christmas music at the malls and looking at the mall Christmas decorations. Be good because we all know who is making his list of those who have been naughty and nice. And he checks it twice. Merry Christmas. Lew
When I viewed the pictures on the computer, the house looked like a giant pumpkin face with the windows as the eyes, the door as the nose and the lights along the bottom as the mouth. What do you think? Has my imagination run amuck?
This morning (Sunday) Mary made waffles with a dollop of whip cream in the center and a maraschino cherry with the stem still attached on top of the whip cream. Very pretty and good too.
We are both waiting for December 1 to start our Christmas shopping. It will be nice because we will be able to go to the stores on week-days and avoid the week-end crowds. What do I want for Christmas? Anything “overpriced” as Miss Piggy of the Muppets would say. Actually Mary and I are preparing want lists for presents for each other so that we won’t have to spend the day after Christmas standing in the return line at the stores. Have fun doing your Christmas shopping, listening to the background Christmas music at the malls and looking at the mall Christmas decorations. Be good because we all know who is making his list of those who have been naughty and nice. And he checks it twice. Merry Christmas. Lew